Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach

Daniel Murray


Higher Certificate in Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching from Kilbarrack CDCFE, Dublin (2020) Digital Marketing from Dublin Business School (2020) Health Coaching Cert from Precision Nutrition, Canada (20211)
Sports Nutrition for Low Carb/Keto, Nutrition Network (2023) Yoga Alliance Instructor qualified 200 HRS, through YogaHub (2024)

Daniel has also completed multiple shorter courses as part of his continuous education. Courses include: Biohacking Your Brain Health – Emory University (Coursera) Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome- University of Colorado Boulder (Coursera) The Science of Exercise – University of Colorado Boulder Certification in Nutrition & Herbal Science from Viridian Nutrition

Work Experience

Daniel has extensive experience working one to one with clients in nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Creating bespoke strategies, changes and plans with clients to perfectly fit each person's life. Daniel has also worked in the retail area of nutrition, advising clients regarding supplements, diet and lifestyle. In addition, he is also a fully qualified yoga instructor and gives one to one as well as group classes in yoga.

Underpinning Philosophy

Diet and lifestyle need to fit you, not you fit the diet and lifestyle. Daniel’s philosophy is one where he works with his clients in a way which treats each as a unique individual. In this, they work together, using their life circumstances, food preferences, location, where they like to shop, and all that is specific to their unique life, as their base to work from. In using the client’s real world life and experience as the base, he works together with them to grow a new lifestyle in manageable stages. This allows the individual to work towards what they want for their new lifestyle and diet, in a way that suits where they currently are in their life. With this model, the changes actually fit with them, what they want and can manage. More importantly these changes then become part of who they are, rather than something imposed on them, which they have to “stick to”. Timed right and made to match the client’s life, becoming healthier and the person they want to be, can not only be manageable, but very enjoyable and highly empowering. Please contact Daniel for a free 15 min consultation to see if he is right for where you are at now and where you want to go.

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