Allyson Prizeman


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs, CICE
  • MA in Comparative Literature, DCU
  • Higher Diploma Education (Hons), NUI Galway
  • BA English and Greek and Roman Civilization (Hons)

Allyson Prizeman

Work Experience

Allyson has worked in post-primary education since 1998 and in guidance counselling since 2020. Due to a high level of demand for individual career guidance, Allyson has set up her private practice, Allyson Prizeman Careers. Roles have included:

  • Guidance Counsellor
  • Tutor on Professional Master of Education, DCU
  • Learning Support and Team Teacher
  • Coordinator of Level Two Learning Programme
  • Teacher of English, Classical Studies and Film Studies
  • Assistant Examiner with SEC - Leaving and Junior
  • Certificate English
  • Published author - Gill Education and EdCo
  • Language editor with Global Education Network Europe (GENE)

Underpinning Philosophy

As a guidance counsellor, Allyson works mainly with young people (approximate age range of 15 to 25). Her goal is to collaborate with each client, identify their potential and give them the confidence and tools to navigate the next step on their career journey. Allyson offers professional, empathic career guidance which encourages self-knowledge and self-confidence. While she offers formal career assessments, she believes it is essential to see the person behind the test scores through friendly, meaningful collaboration. Her signature strengths as a guidance counsellor: Allyson works with the whole person, approaching the process with curiosity and optimism. Her informal communication style helps people to feel relaxed and comfortable in her company.

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